ICS Control Ver0.11

WM5のAKU3.3以降/WM6にOS標準搭載されたインターネット共有(ICS)アプリを使用せずに、インターネット接続共有を実現するというツール、ICS Controlがxda-developers.comで公開・更新されていました。(3/21)


UPDATE: v.11 posted. See notes below if you were using v.1

ICS Control is a GUI for configuring and controlling Windows CE Internet Connection Sharing for bluetooth pan, wifi, and (maybe) vpn sharing. It uses the .Net Compact Framework 2.0 because I used this project to learn C# GUI's.

ICS Control does not require or use the Internet Sharing app that some phones have. It talks directly to the TCP/IP stack and should work on any WM5 or newer OS as long as the device has the IPNAT driver (ipnat.dll) installed.

What can ICS do? It allows a private network (for example, an ad-hoc WiFi network) to access another network (for example, the internet) as long as the windows mobile device is connected to both networks. It should be able to share between any set of adapters. The common configurations of course would be:

Cellular to WiFi (probably the most common scenario, sharing internet access to a WiFi network)
Cellular to Bluetooth PAN
Cellular to USB

But it should also work with more "interesting" combinations like:

VPN to Wifi - get wireless clients onto a VPN
Wifi to Bluetooth - allow bluetooth network devices to access a WLAN.
Wifi to USB - basically the pda acts as a wireless network card for the PC (neat, eh?)


ということで、Ad[es]にICSInstall.CABインストール→再起動→Wifi接続→ワイヤレスネットワークの構成でAd-hoc接続作成→ICS Control起動→適当に設定(Public InterfaceにW-SIM, Private Interfaceに無線LANアダプタ(GSPI86861)、AutoConnect to Networkにセンタ名称設定)→Start ICS、手持ちの初代03からつないでみようかと試みたのですが・・一度DHCPタブのリストにつないだ初代03のIPがきたのですが、初代03からのネット接続がうまく行きませんでした。。
これをちょっと試してみたかったので、実はまだAd[es]ではWMWifiRouter Ver1.00をインストールしていません(^-^A;



ICSControl does NOT use intshrui.exe, also known as the Internet Sharing app. That application appears to dial the internet in a special way that lets the carrier know you are sharing so they can charge accordingly. ICSControl does not do this so the carrier would not detect sharing in this fashion. However, there are other methods that a carrier could use to detect PC-based data usage, for example they could monitor web traffic to see how your web browser identifies itself to remote servers. I do not know if any carriers do this but I suspect they do not. The safest thing to do would be to try it out for a few minutes and wait for your next bill.


The adapter names differ from device to device. For sharing over WiFi:
1) To go your WiFi settings and select the "only computer to computer" under "Networks to Access" dropdown menu. Select "Add New" in the network list and pick a network name. Select "Work" in the "connects to" option and check the "this is a device to device connection" box. You can set up security if you know how and wish to do so.
2) Run ICSControl. Go to the bottom and hit Set All Defaults. Now go back to the top. Set your public interface to "Cellular Line" or "GPRS". If you don't have either of those then make a guess at what the cellular modem is called. Set your private interface to the name of your wireless card, usually it is easy to spot because it will have a W in it somewhere. Check the "Set Private IP" box.
3) Tap Start ICS.
4) Your laptop should now be able to connect to the adhoc network.


Originally Posted by Nick Collision
Read the title.

The "ICS Control Panel" uses the "IPNAT" driver, which is the same driver we all use. They are from one and the same package. The "Internet Sharing" application is just a GUI for that driver. The whole package revolves around that driver.

This is true. But it is also worth pointing out that intshrgui.exe ("Internet Sharing") does not control ipnat directly, it uses intshare.dll which has a very limited API and appears to dial the internet in a way that lets carriers know you're sharing. ICS Control doesn't use intshare.dll.


The public interface is the one that can access the internet. The private interface is the one on the network that you want to give internet access to. They shouldn't be set to the same thing. Change your private interface to the wireless adapter, it's the one that starts with T. Then hit Start ICS. You should now be able to connect to the adhoc wireless network with other devices like laptops, etc.

ICS Controlは、非常に設定項目が多くて(スクロールすると下に沢山・・)、ネットワークに疎い私にはちょっと敷居が高いところもありますが、とりあえずはデフォルトでいいのかな?。