Microsoft Device Emulator 3.0 Standalone(英語版) リリース

Microsoftにて、VisualStudio2008にも同梱されている、ARMベースのデバイスエミュレーター Device Emulator 3.0のスタンドアロン版が公開されています。

Microsoft Device Emulator 3.0 is the third publicly released version of the Device Emulator for ARM-based devices. This emulator will also release with Visual Studio 2008. Device Emulator 3.0 will replace the executables and DLLs from previous releases (1.0 and 2.0). The main addition with Device Emulator 3.0 is the new automation API for the device emulator manager, which allows developers programmatic access to perform the same operations on installed emulator images that can be performed interactively on the Device Emulator Manager drop-down and context menus.
