毎度試していませんが、VistaMobile PocketPC VGA theme

MoDaCoで紹介されていた、VistaMobile PocketPC VGA theme

I've been hell bent on customizing my PocketPC phone to the nth degree, and while doing so I have created a new theme for my VGA device (HTC Universal). It has been designed for ease of use while in the car or for using your fingers rather than the stylus. It's comprised of 3 main screens for the desktop, and top/bottom menubar skins. This theme is for PocketPCs running either WM2003 / WM5 / WM6 versions of the mobile OS. It requires Lakeridge Software's Wisbar Advance 2 (and up). Wisbar Advance Desktop (plugin) is also required to get the most out of this theme. If you do not have the desktop plugin, then you will still be able to skin your device, but you'll be missing the sweet interface that I created for the homescreens.

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