VITO AudioPlayer Ver1.16

シンプルで使いやすいインターフェースが特徴のオーディオプレーヤー、VITO AudioPlayer($9.95)がVerUpしています。

VITO AudioPlayer has become closer to you as now it can be set as a default player. Now it is easier to access the player and play your favorite music with VITO AudioPlayer. Another feature added is that instead of multiple taps for rewinding a song you can just press-and-hold the right or left arrow on joystick to rewind or fast forward the recording.
VITO AudioPlayer has become even more user-friendly as it now pauses during the phone call and continues playing after it's over. Smart enough, isn't it? Besides, while playing audio files it doesn't interrupt when stumbling over files with not supported audio format.

VITO AudioPlayerは値段も比較的控えめですし、インターフェースは人によって好みが分かれる部分ですので、こういった方向性もありなのかなぁと思います。

VITO AudioPlayerのページはこちらです。

VITO AudioPlayer - easy to use audio player for PPC