WindowsCEでASP.NETが動作するWEBサーバー Padarn Web Server for CE

なんと、ASP.NETを動作させることが出来るというWindowsCE 5.0/6.0用WEBサーバー、Padarn Web Server for CEが発表されているようです。

Padarn is a very small-footprint ASP.NET web server designed to run under Windows CE 5.0 and 6.0. Padarn provides a subset of the Microsoft's ASP.NET which allows OEMs to leverage existing ASP.NET code and ASP.NET developer resources to get their embedded product to market faster. Using Padarn also helps facilitate sharing code bases across platforms.


Padarn web pages have full access to device resources, so they can inspect and affect hardware, they can use databases or write files or just about anything that any other application can do, but they have the advantage of being accessible from any browser on the network. If you have a device that you would like to remotely configure, update, query data from or reports on then Padarn is the solution for you.


上記ページの下の方にあるMore Informationで、実際にPadarnが動いているデバイスにアクセス・表示が確認できるリンクがはられています。ここまでできるのであれば、今後の経過・発展にも期待が持てそうです。

(追記) 書き忘れてましたが、WindowsMobile上で動作するのかどうかはわかりませぬ。。