WisBar Advance Desktop Ver1.2.0.3

スキンにより多彩なカスタマイズできる、タスク管理&階層型ランチャーWisBar Advanceプラグイン、WisBar Advance DesktopがVerUpしています。

Bugs Fixed

  • The analog clocks update more frequently now.
  • Fixed a bug where the system would slow down frequently.
  • Made a small modification to the MAPI functions to prevent disappearing accounts.
  • Made an adjustment to speed up the Today plugin refresh rate.
  • Fixed a bug where the theme wouldn't change properly between portrait and landscape modes.
  • Added OK and Cancel menubar entries for the Color and Font dialogs.
  • Fixed a bug where the WA2 title didn't change immediately when switching back to WAD.
  • Made a change to attempt to get PhoneAlarm to work better.
  • Fixed a bug where the registration dialog could cause the system to lock.
  • When creating a new Today plugin, the vertical position will default to the next available position on the screen.
  • Fixed several bugs in the dialogs where the OK and Cancel buttons didn't work.
  • Added the ability to add text underneath button objects.
  • Fixed a bug where the theme converter would drop the wallpaper.
  • The default themes now install properly.
  • Made an adjustment in the email/sms checking routines.
  • If a today plugin somehow loses what page it's supposed to be on, it will be displayed on the "desktop" page.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some random crashes.

WisBar Advance Desktopのページはこちらです。

Lakeridge Software