MSCEInf Ver2.1

PocketPC用のインストールCABやテーマファイルの詳細な内容をGUIで表示したり、デバイス上で実際にインストールされるファイル名で、母艦PC上でCAB解凍もできる、WindowsPC用ツール MSCEInfがVerUpしています。(4/15)

同梱のMSCEInf 21En.rtfから。

• Since version v, MSCEInf allows line command execution with output INF file in the CAB folder. When this INF file is written, application is closed. During execution the program window is shortly showned . (It is difficult to change a graphic application in a console application ).
In line command do this :
msceinf "CAB Name to extract INF file" inf
Put full pathname of the CAB or only CAB name if it stays in the same folder as MSCEInf. Put name in double quotes to be sure that it will be correctly interpreted, if spaces or delimiters in its name. "CAB Name" must be followed by a space and then keyword inf (do not put this keyword in double quotes!).
INF file is written in the same folder as CAB with the same name with ".inf" extension .

• MSCEInf Version 2.1 adds ability to extract in command mode CAB files in a folder preserving subfolders names.
Syntax is a bit rigid with a keyword extract (separed by a space) after CAB name. This keyword allows creation of INF file and files extraction (with correct names) while preserving subfolders names.
A second parameter optional is folder name where to extract files. If omitted, folder name will be :
Program creates the folder if it does not exist.
For example write like here (do not forget to separe each parameters by a space and put path in double quotes) :
msceinf "C:\Users\Benoit\Documents\" extract
and files are extracted in folder "c:\ExtractDir".
or give folder name where to extract :
msceinf "C:\Users\Benoit\Documents\" extract "C:\Users\Benoit\Documents\My extracted files"
and files are extracted in folder "C:\Users\Benoit\Documents\My extracted files".

• Management of duplicates files :

  • the program checks the presence of duplicates files, this in order to make it possible to the user to modify the Inf file consequently.
  • if the program is used in command line, the program return code (ExitCode) is equal to 0 if there are no duplicates files, else the program return code is equal to 222.

Ver1.4.1から、CABのINFファイル出力を実行するコマンドラインオプションがあったそうですが、Ver2.1から、コマンドライン指定で指定フォルダに一発でCAB解凍することができるようになったようです。これは嬉しい! ますます手軽に使えそうです。



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