Mobile Registry Cleaner, Mobile JunkCleaner, Mobile Startup Cleaner Ver1.0


Registry Cleaner can scan for orphan, invalid keys in registry, and allows the user to delete them which will result in less cluttered and compact registry. Scanning and cleaning reduces the size of the registry thus making the access fast. It improves the overall performance.

Junk cleaner improves the performance of the mobile system by scanning and deleting temporary and junk files. It also takes care of Log and backup files.

Various programs run automatically on starting the mobile. Some of them may not be required at all at startup time. These can take the available resources unnecessarily and that results in the slowing down of your mobile.

Registry Cleanerはレジストリをスキャンして不正なキーを探し、削除するためのツール。Junk cleanerはテンポラリーファイルとかの削除ツール。
この手のツールを使う際には十分ご注意を&自己責任で。Registry Cleanerで不正キーとして出てきたものでも、必要なものも中にはあると思いますし。デバイスフォーマット直後の状態でもチェックに引っかかって色々出てくるものだと思いますので、そういうものを消すのが良いかどうかは微妙ですし。
