


as my first contribution to this forum I want to share the very early alpha of my new ThumbCal application.
It is a handy calendar application that should replace the fumbly MS calendar.

FreewarePPC.com - Freeware Pocket PC / Freeware Windows Mobile: ThumbCal v0.1

WVGAAd[es]でもちゃんと画面にあわせて表示されたのが好印象。ただここまでカレンダーメインとなると・・やはり祝日等の対応がほしいなぁと(^^; 海外アプリに無理は言えません。。


PowerGuard monitors the battery status of your Microsoft Windows Mobile/Windows CE powered Pocket PC or smartphone. It monitors several attributes, such as battery current, voltage, and temperature. PowerGuard represents these attributes textually as well as graphically.

Next to monitoring battery current, PowerGuard can also give a notification when a user-configurable current threshold is exceeded. This is especially useful when you want to know what processes are eating up your battery.


Mobile Firefoxの話題 いくつか

Mozillaは昨年より携帯機器向けFirefoxを開発しているが(/.J過去記事)、アメリカでは非公式ながら携帯キャリアとの交渉も始まっているとのこと。年内に完成予定のFirefox MobileLinuxWindows Mobile上で動作し、既にユーザーインターフェイスの試作にも着手しているが(ZDNet記事)、オープンウェブの参入を喜べないキャリアとの交渉は停滞しているそうだ。

Mozilla's Firefox Mobile will hit smartphones like Windows Mobile and Linux devices later this year and as Mike Schroepfer, Mozilla Vide President Engineering, unveiled this week, beside users also mobile carriers and operators are interested to learn more about Mozilla's latest mobile device project. Schroepfer is quoted, that Mozilla's mission is to break open a closed market but he knows that it won't happen overnight.
And while Windows Mobile devices includes a web browser already, namely Internet Explorer Mobile, it looks like operators and ODMs aren't satisfied with Internet Explorer anymore which must be the reason for adding Opera Mobile on their smartphones in addition.
Since Opera Mobile isn't available for free, unlike the desktop version, operators and carriers "want to know how much it will cost," Schroepfer said and added "That's an easy answer: mobile Firefox will be free".

The article points out that some carriers don't like the idea of a free mobile browser because it upsets their walled gardens and can impact their revenue streams. Others, however, may well take advantage of the open source nature of Mozilla and make contributions to the mobile version of Firefox.
Mozilla expects to have the mobile browser available for embedded Linux and Windows Mobile devices by the end of the year.



(情報元:Backstage at MED)

A version of Silverlight for Windows Mobile will be available later this year, said John Case, a general manager in Microsoft's developer division. "The whole Silverlight strategy is to provide one programming model and ubiquity," he said.

Nokiaで・・という記事の中に、しっかりと! いや〜よかったよかった。SilverlightがWindowsMobileで動くようになれば、それだけでWeb閲覧シーンも結構変わると思います。