Opera Mobile 9.5 公式発表!
Operaにて、Opera Mobile 9.5についての発表がありました。
Faster speed
The new version utilizes Opera's Presto rendering engine to achieve page load speeds comparable to a desktop experience. The Opera Presto engine was modified and improves browsing performance significantly by accelerating the handling of Web pages. It dramatically improves page responsiveness on pages with heavy use of languages such as JavaScript and Ajax, ensuring smooth, hassle-free browsing.
Compelling experience
Opera Mobile 9.5 includes numerous features aimed at elevating the mobile browsing experience. Not only is the user interface (UI) intuitive enough to master in minutes, Opera Mobile 9.5 introduces several new innovations that elevate the Internet experience on a handheld device. Users can take advantage of the intuitive Opera Zoom™ to dive into the page and get closer to the content they want. In addition, productivity tools like the ability to save pages for offline browsing, Web address auto complete and password manager help busy users make the most of their time.
Fully loaded
Web 2.0-enabled, Widget-ready and Flash support turn Opera Mobile 9.5 into a fully loaded browser allowing users to access all their favorite Web sites such as Facebook, MySpace and more. With Opera Mobile 9.5, OEMs and operators will have the capability to include Flash Lite 3, empowering their smartphone users with access to the full Web including the ability to watch videos on YouTube effortlessly. In addition, Opera Widgets, which are mini applications that allow content to be accessed easily from the device idle screen with just a few clicks, are included in the new edition — automatically engaging the user through ease of operation and meeting consumer demands for quick access to information.
The Opera Mobile 9.5 experience includes many of the innovations found in Opera's trend-setting desktop browser including:
- Intuitive user interface
- Tabbed browsing
- Improved text wrap
- Page overview, zooming and panning
- Landscape mode
- Save Web page for future offline access
- Call phone number from Web page
- Send link as SMS/MMS
- Send image as SMS/MMS
- Small Screen Rendering™
- Password manager
- Web address input auto-completion
- History and bookmarks
- Copy text
- Opera Widgets
Video Opera Mobile 9.5 - Opera, Mobile - Dailymotion 動画を共有する
新しいレンダリングエンジンで速度UPした他、パスワードマネージャーも追加されたり、Flash Lite3対応!、Widgets対応と、メジャーバージョンアップにふさわしい大きな機能UP。
新版ではレンダリング・エンジン「Presto」をバージョン・アップし,表示速度を向上させている。同社によると,米マイクロソフトのPocket Internet Explorerの2.5倍の速度でページ・レンダリングが終了するという。また「ズームやパスワード管理など,Webブラウジングを快適にする機能を搭載した」(Opera Software東京オフィス)。