.NET CFでスクリーンジェスチャを実装するサンプル

User input using Mouse Gestures is a technique where the path made up by the mouse rather than, for example, the press of a button initiates an action.
In situations where there is limited space for UI controls or when UI controls would clutter and make the UI unpleasant to look at, Mouse Gestures can be used to optimize the screen usage.
In this article aims to describe how to implement a System.Windows.Forms.Panel that can capture and recognize mouse gestures drawn on them regardless of any child components.


I enables to recognize both simple and complex on-screen gestures, and all is compiled into a single class. Based on this, possibilities are infinite, well beyond left, right,up and down scrolls... meaning that the iphone's zoom, pan etc. finger tricks could very well be implemented ^^
