moBlog Ver2.0.3

Blogger, Wordpress, Live Spacesに対応しているというモブログアプリ、moBlogが公開されています。
(情報元:The Microsoft Wow Blog!)

moBlog is a mobile blogging application for Windows Mobile (WM) devices. moBlog currently supports Blogger, and Live Spaces. Support for LiveJournal and MovableType/TypePad is also on the cards.
moBlog is optimized to run on WM devices using minimum resources. It is an application that you can use in off-line mode, where you can do your writing and editing disconnected to the net.

So what’s new with moBlog 2.0.3?

  • Bug Fix - There was a bug when you tried to open a saved post which had categories selected. This has now been fixed.
  • Bug Fix - When saved posts were opened, the paragraph breaks were lost. This has now been fixed.
  • Enhancement - An option to delete a saved profile.
