PhatNotes for Outlook 5.1

Outlookと直接同期できるよう、テキストフォーマット・パスワード保護機能・デスクトップソフトをカットした、PhatNotes for Outlook($19.95)が公開されていました。(11/12)

PhatNotes 5, launched in September, no longer supports direct synchronization with Microsoft Outlook, and the company has received numerous requests from existing and new PhatNotes users to continue offering this feature. PhatNotes for Outlook edition has been created to answer these requests by allowing synchronization directly with Microsoft Outlook 2000 or later.
PhatNotes for Outlook includes the simplified version of PhatNotes for both Windows Mobile Standard (non-touch screen) and Professional/Classic (touch screen) devices. Because Microsoft Outlook does not support password protection and text formatting, these features were removed from PhatNotes for Outlook to provide more reliable synchronization. Further, the PhatNotes desktop software was replaced with Outlook notes synchronization software that supports ActiveSync 4.5 or later on Windows XP and Windows Mobile Device Center 6.1 on Windows Vista.

で、沢山の要望があったため、一部機能を削除した上で、このPhatNotes for Outlookがリリースされたようです。その分値段も$19.95と、通常のPhatNotesの$39.95からお安くなっていますね。
試しに自分が持っているPhatNotes Ver5のライセンスを入れてみた所、レジストOKでしたので、PhatNotesをお使いの方で、興味のある方はどぞ〜

PhatNotes for Outlookのページはこちらです。

PhatNotes Professional Edition