ActiveGcSync Ver1.1


* FIXED - When google calendar is on a different timezone than the local Windows Mobile, the correct times are used.
* FIXED - Error interval was not saved in settings file.
* FIXED - Delete key did not work on some settings textboxes
* FIXED - Error may have occurred if a Google celandar item was cancelled.
* ADDED - Exit menu option
* ADDED - Option to check for new versions of ActiveGcSync on startup (this is on by default)
* ADDED - Option to hide ActiveGcSync on startup if settings have been previously set (this is on by default)
* ADDED - Error page link with the complete error description when something goes wrong
* CHANGED - If you sync with one email/calendar, then switch emails/calendars and resync, ActiveGcSync will sync with the new calendar seperate from the old one
* CHANGED - To avoid confusion, passwords now show their actual length (not just 3 *s)
* CHANGED - ActiveGcSync now runs as a lower priority during synchronization so as not to slow down the rest of the PDA

そういえば、こちらのツールをお使いの方はあまり拝見したことが無いのですが、どうなんでしょう(^^; エラーが出る方、同期できるという方がいらっしゃるそうですが・・。久々の新しいバージョンはどんな感じなんでしょう。

ActiveGcSyncのページはこちらです。 ≫ ActiveGcSync Project Page