Resco Explorer 2007 for PocketPC Ver6.16

ごみ箱・ZIP圧縮・ファイル暗号化・ビューア・ネットワークブラウザ・レジストリエディタ・FTPクライアントといった機能を搭載した多機能ファイラー、Resco Explorer 2007($29.95)がVerUpしています。

Resco Explorerのページはこちら。

Resco Explorer 2007 for Pocket PC


- Desktop Shell Extensions - Windows Vista (UAC) support
- 7 days trial period (14 days if wrong regcode was entered)
- several bug fixes:
- Options - bad controls position on landscape
- Copy To - wrong destination when navigating using keyboard
- Confirmation (delete/overwrite) was always on
- Folder Properties - size counting stopped when scrolling (on square

The registration code from v6.15 is still working.