KeePassPPC Ver0.4.5


* Added Key File support
* Updated to KeePassLibC V1.08
* Aligned password generator dialog with KeePass
* Password generator uses functions from KeePassLibC now
* Added option to enable/disable password preview in EntryListView
* Removed obsolete brief-tag from comments
* Aligned default password groups with KeePass
* Reviewed strings in source code
* Cancelling FileSaveAs dialog no longer results in losing the current database name

This version finally adds key file support to KeePassPPC. It is pretty much untested so far and might easiely cause problems and require a few more releases to become 100% stable and relyable. The GENERATION of new key files is not supported yet. Apart form that the password generator was completely redesigned and uses the functionality provided by KeePassLibC now. At the moment it only supports the "Generate Using Character-Set" option. The clipboard copy routines still miss an auto-clear, so anything you copy in there, stays in there until it is being overwritten by some other means. Therefore use them with extreme caution!

DLは上記ページの真ん中くらいにあるDownload for platformとある下のリンクからデバイスのOS毎にご選択を。
