Resco Explorer 2007 for PocketPC (Ver6.00)

ごみ箱・ZIP圧縮・ファイル暗号化・ビューア・ネットワークブラウザ・レジストリエディタ・FTPクライアントといった機能を搭載した多機能ファイラー、Resco Explorer 2007($24.95)が正式リリースされています。

Explorer 2007 continues in the footsteps of Resco Explorer 2007, improving its features and adding many new ones. File Types Highlighting, Status bar, and customizable startup folder makes managing files even easier as before. Users will also appreciate improvements in the field of networking, ability to view encrypted files with built-in viewer, running application manager in Today Plugin and dozens more.


Resco Explorer 2007のページはこちらです。

Resco Explorer 2007 for Pocket PC